Get ready for the industry’s most advanced and efficient CMH lighting systems!
The secret is engineering our own lamp, e-ballast, reflector and Super Spreader to work together as a complete lighting system (rather than forcing growers to mix and match components from various manufacturers). The result is unmatched output and efficiency in its class.
Our new CMH lighting systems (630W DE-CMH and 315W SE-CMH) deliver an improved, continuous spectrum compared with first generation CMH lamps. Additionally, growers can benefit from higher output, improved efficiency and longer lamp life. The years of research, dedication and grow trials have paid off!
Lamps are available in 3K and 4K colours. The 4Ks (additional blue) are ideal for all stages of plant growth and can be used to enhance the spectrum of HPS or DE-HPS throughout flowering. The 3Ks are great standalone lamps, ideal for all stages of growth and particularly flowering.
The Adjust-A-Wings DEfender reflector uses composite, highly reflective materials (PVD aluminium and a high-tech Titanium Oxide reflector coating) to provide a super-accurate and uniform lighting footprint.
Get ready for industry-leading performance and efficiency from our new Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH) lighting systems!